Author: Tink


Shanghai, China, Day Five

Day five started as day four ended, pretzelled in a narrow bunk gently swaying from side to side on the overnight train to Shanghai. The night had been punctuated by Ma on the bottom...


Beijing, China, Day Four

It is lovely being in China again, although frustratingly I confess to having a few issues with our G adventures tour. The itinerary changed a week before we left to a marginally less appealing...


Beijing, China, Day Three

Day three started with delicious fluffy bread and lovely hot tea in our room, not a bad way to start the day, after which we headed down to the lobby to meet the rest...


Beijing, China, Day Two

Day 2 started with stale buns from the Maxims bakery attached to our hotel. In ten months of travel staying almost exclusively in hotels that cost less than £20 a night we’ve rarely stayed...


Beijing, China, Day One

Being the great explorers that we are our first day in China was spent getting to know the vast malls that surround our hotel. I know I know but in our defence we are...

Welcome to China 1

Welcome to China

I loved China from the moment I first visited in 2009. I was lucky enough to have travelled widely, even at that point yet China was unlike anything I had ever experienced. During my...


Goodbye Vietnam

We’ve experienced a phenomenon on this trip whereby when it comes to the end of a really nice stay somewhere the last day is unlike all those before, unexpected noise, screaming kids, something upsets the...


Six week Vietnam itinerary

I’ve been meaning to post this one for a while now… Six weeks sounded so long when we began planning, I thought we’d be able to do everything, and yes of course we might...