Category: Musings


Myanmar, Day One, Yangon

Myanmar feels like the start of our travels proper, which having been travelling for over seven months now might seem a little strange. Somehow it feels more exotic, unknown and adventurous there’s been no...


Almost six months later Xx

We’ve not had many mishaps and as our six month anniversary approaches it seemed appropriate to do a recap of the ones we have had so far, not quite sure why but anyway.  Often...


Diving the Liberty, Bali

We had arranged to stay at a super cheap place with pretty good reviews in Tulamben to dive the USS Liberty, a US cargo ship torpedoed by Japanese submarine in January 1942. She came...


An adventure in Ubud, Bali

Ubud has been a pleasant surprise. Everyone had raved about it so our expectations were pretty high and although it is nothing like the wide spacious streets and ever present rice paddy fields I...