god delusions are us
I do really hate it when people are unhappy especially when they are unhappy with me, even if what they are unhappy about is really nothing to do with me, are you following so far? You see I want everyone to be happy and that’s probably never going to change. I am however embarrassed to confess that it’s a pretty new realisation that I can’t actually make everyone happy and that it is not my job to do so. It seems I have been subconsciously suffering some form of god delusion for which I would like to pass around wholehearted apologies, to myself and the world as a whole 😉
I am sharing this in case you too have been labouring under the misapprehension that it is your job to make everyone happy, that you too should be everyone’s friend. In which case I would like to say to you:
While everyone does indeed deserve to be happy, we do not need to make everyone happy. Even if we were capable of doing so, which we are most definitely not!
Of course everyone needs friends, we however do not need to be everyone’s friend. No really we don’t.
So step away from the god delusion, be gentle with yourself and remember you’re really pretty lovely, you’ve a wonderful kind heart and are doing a rather great job at life Xx
#BeGentle #BeBrave #BeBold