Happy New Year
It isn’t that 2016 has been particularly awful, humankind has been pretty shitty to itself for the last thousand years or so. It’s one thing we seem pretty good at, being shitty to each other.
Thankfully it’s not the only thing we are pretty good at, at the risk of sounding like an old hippie (there are worse things to be) we have kindness and we have hope.
It’s easy to feel like we can’t make a difference but we can and we do. In 2017 let’s spread more love. Carry out random acts of kindness just for the fun of it. Help out an elderly neighbour. Look up from your phone more. Say no to a plastic straw in your drink every now and then, you have a pretty usable mouth, you could drink from that. Single use plastics are polluting our oceans and are the easiest thing in the world for us to do something about, just say no. Give more to charity, be it money or time, both are equally important. Continue to celebrate diversity, in all its manifestations. Trust yourself. Enjoy the good things. Take risks. Be kinder (not the chocolate brand but the action). Laugh more, silliness heals. Love more, love is life. Don’t be too hard on others, or yourself, everyone is going through something.
Do whatever you want, some, none or all of the above. Happy New Year, wherever you are Xx