Tagged: manta


Hello Again old friend!

After a wonderful whirlwind three weeks in Vietnam we were very thankful to have no plans for our three days in Bangkok. And we did nothing. Well that’s not strictly true, we swam in...


And on life goes…

I’ve missed writing these last, not so few, months. There’s definitely less to share now that we have settled into life in the British Countryside. But maybe there’s still enough to share that I’ll...


The Returned

On the days leading up to our return to Nusa Lembongan, Mount Agung on Bali began to grumble while I fretted about a number of things including my increased weight, a result of 8...


A year of diving!

A year ago today we took our first tentative steps into the water guided by our self-described skinny lizard instructor Lorenzo, under the hot sun at Redang Kalong on Redang Island in Malaysia. I...