When opportunity knocks
Sometimes opportunity comes along simply to remind you of what you already have.
Well that’s what it feels like at the moment. I wasn’t looking for a new job instead focusing on getting ready for our adventure next year but was contacted last week about an exciting opportunity. So exciting I thought it was worth taking the time to go and meet with the company to find out a bit more. They liked me, I liked them. I was told I blew the other candidates out of the water (which let’s face it is nice to know) and they only had one more to see. I was all ready to jump feet first yelling ‘Hell Yeah’ as I jumped.
And then I didn’t hear anything. And I got to thinking. I’m terrible for jumping in without thinking. So in the not hearing I’ve been able to think, about every angle, about the financial and physical implications, about the long and the short term.
It is a great opportunity don’t get me wrong, but it’s also longer hours, a long commute and a longer commitment to staying in London than I’m truly comfortable with and I’d be financially worse off, which when you’re planning a trip seems a bit silly. If I had been looking for a change that Hell Yeah would have stuck. But as it is…
My current situation isn’t always ideal, how many people’s work situation is? but I like my role, it’s flexible when I need it to be, and many of the people I work with on a daily basis are utterly fabulous, making each day a pleasure.
So following this brief rather adrenalin laden distraction, I’m back on track, full speed ahead, working hard in the day job, and planning my lil heart out at night Xx