Author: Tink


Sugar free!

We start our sugar free October tomorrow! Eek Xx


Where words lead…

There is something about writing anything down that makes it somehow permanent. While the thoughts and feelings may be as fleeting as summer in England, their having been immortalised in print somehow refutes this....


When opportunity knocks

Sometimes opportunity comes along simply to remind you of what you already have. Well that’s what it feels like at the moment. I wasn’t looking for a new job instead focusing on getting ready...


Grim reality and its cohorts

Neither of us have wills and with recent events including the devastating loss of MH17 it makes sense that we do them before we embark on our travels.  It probably made sense anyway but...


Faerie Tales and the like…

What’s so wrong with believing in happily every after? Believing in the faerie tale? Your happily ever after doesn’t have to look like anyone else’s but isn’t it important, nay vital, that we believe...


Lists lists and more lists

Lists lists and more lists There is so much to think of my head might explode and then no trip, so I’m trying to avoid that, seems sensible. I’m a bit of an organisational...


Beach etiquette

Apart from the sun sand and sea I think the best thing about being on a European beach is the people watching. I say European because while I’m sure some of the dynamics are...



I first became @Tinkerbell_ in 2010  I’d been on twitter awhile and was looking for a new name and it was miraculously free. Tinkerbell was the name of the fist pet I remember, I...