…and the adventures begin…
I’ve never moved before, well not with anything other than a suitcase and a duvet, and I’d be happy to never move again. I listed, I organised, I bought boxes and bubble wrap. I...
Be Kind to yourself knucklehead, you're worth it Xx
I’ve never moved before, well not with anything other than a suitcase and a duvet, and I’d be happy to never move again. I listed, I organised, I bought boxes and bubble wrap. I...
When you decide to take a year or so off from life as you know it, to go on a wonderful adventure, there is inevitably a lot of not so wonderful planning required. So...
My Dad died yesterday It’s all I want to say My Dad died yesterday To the taxi driver To the ticket collector To strangers on the train My Dad died yesterday I want to...
The hospital bed in the living room has now become a part of the furniture of our daily life, I am sure it will seem empty once the regular hiss and whirr of the...
Not too many years ago the man who raised me was diagnosed with early onset dementia. He went from capable and kind to confused and belligerent in the blink of an eye. This was...
n.b. This post will make no sense to those of you not on twitter and who lead normal lives far away from the madness that social media can be, maybe go make yourself a...
First thing in the morning, when the sun is shining and the air is crisp and the hoards are yet to descend, there is no city quite like her. Due to the many reasons...
I have felt reproached, in the nicest possible way, by the notion that our trip is self indulgent. But before we get to that, let me share my week, I have spent the last week immersed in...
Another milestone reached, today after much toing and froing we booked our flights! Woohoo! June 8th 2015 we say bye bye Britain. And let the panicking commence. We actually booked the first two months...
There is something about writing anything down that makes it somehow permanent. While the thoughts and feelings may be as fleeting as summer in England, their having been immortalised in print somehow refutes this....