Tagged: adventures

Always look on the bright side 6

Always look on the bright side

The run up to our big departure could have been a little more auspicious. The woman I was training to take over from me at work went totes doolally, making handing over a little...


…and on it goes…

When we returned to the UK in January 2017 we hadn’t really planned on coming back then but reality had inserted itself into our idyll and back we came. Initially we thought we might...


A Welsh Affair

With the four day Easter weekend approaching and no plans other than the obligatory (and much looked forward to) family egg exchange, we began mooting ideas for a mini getaway. Very quickly we settled...


Six week Vietnam itinerary

I’ve been meaning to post this one for a while now… Six weeks sounded so long when we began planning, I thought we’d be able to do everything, and yes of course we might...


An adventure in Ubud, Bali

Ubud has been a pleasant surprise. Everyone had raved about it so our expectations were pretty high and although it is nothing like the wide spacious streets and ever present rice paddy fields I...


An involuntary diet

No one wants to get food poisoning but three months in I am very grateful it has been our only major illness. We had just come back from an amazing time at Redang Kalong,...


…and the adventures begin…

I’ve never moved before, well not with anything other than a suitcase and a duvet, and I’d be happy to never move again. I listed, I organised, I bought boxes and bubble wrap. I...


New Year, New Day

First thing in the morning, when the sun is shining and the air is crisp and the hoards are yet to descend, there is no city quite like her. Due to the many reasons...