Tagged: be brave


A year of diving!

A year ago today we took our first tentative steps into the water guided by our self-described skinny lizard instructor Lorenzo, under the hot sun at Redang Kalong on Redang Island in Malaysia. I...


Time flies…

Time really does fly here, it’s almost a month since we’ve been back and it has whizzed past in a blur of diving, dinners, research and relaxation. For inherently unsociable people there sure are...


Is it a bird…is it a plane…

No it’s a PFO… well according to the cardiologist report ‘a three speck of CFM may suggest a pinhole connection late diastole’ so whatever is going on it is very very very small which...


The divemaster who couldn’t dive

Life has a funny way of throwing curveballs when you least expect them so it should be no surprise that less than a week since the excitement of becoming certified as a PADI Dive...


A Divemaster is born

It’s been an interesting, exhausting, challenging, at times frustrating and most definitely overwhelmingly positive and rewarding experience. The divemaster internship at World Diving Lembongan comprises of many hours of studying, informative practicals and as...


A year of adventures

It’s a year today that we said goodbye to England and began our adventures in South East Asia… …wow, a year! and what a year it has been! We’ve lost over fifty pounds of blubber between...


The Intern, divemaster style 

The last five days has been nothing short of epic, I’ve finally made my way through chapter nine and to the end of the PADI Divemaster manual, although I’m going to be rereading that last...


What a difference a smile makes

After almost a year travelling on our own, with only sporadic visits with friends, followed by the quite ghastly GA Adventures group tour, I am loving being surrounded by such nice people on Nusa Lembongan, our home...


Live your life

I finished shadowing my first PADI open water certification on Monday and am still basking in the glow, it was so much fun and so rewarding to be part of introducing someone to diving. I know...


Eat, Divemaster, Love

It’s been ten days since I started my PADI divemaster internship with World Diving in Nusa Lembongan, an hour across the sea from Bali. Ten short days, during which the first few days fraught with...