Tagged: Indonesia


Time flies…

Time really does fly here, it’s almost a month since we’ve been back and it has whizzed past in a blur of diving, dinners, research and relaxation. For inherently unsociable people there sure are...


From ABC to IDC

It’s been three weeks since we returned to Nusa Lembongan, three weeks of lovely sun and socialising but more importantly three weeks of diving AND three weeks of no decompression sickness which is a big WHOOP WHOOP...


Back on Lembongan

I’m pleasantly knackered once again. I thought twice about using that word as it seems it’s only the Brits who use it but decided I like it enough to use it and once introduced...


Every cloud…

After a delightful twenty four hour catching up pit stop with friends in Singapore and via Kuala Lumpur for me (long story) we landed back in England in the early hours of June 24th...


The divemaster who couldn’t dive

Life has a funny way of throwing curveballs when you least expect them so it should be no surprise that less than a week since the excitement of becoming certified as a PADI Dive...


A Divemaster is born

It’s been an interesting, exhausting, challenging, at times frustrating and most definitely overwhelmingly positive and rewarding experience. The divemaster internship at World Diving Lembongan comprises of many hours of studying, informative practicals and as...


A year of adventures

It’s a year today that we said goodbye to England and began our adventures in South East Asia… …wow, a year! and what a year it has been! We’ve lost over fifty pounds of blubber between...


A week in the life of a DMT

It’s exhausting all this divemastering 😁 honestly the last six days have been a blur. I barely saw my fellow DMTs Kai had his girlfriend here and went conspicuously AWOL and Carolyn had to...


The Intern, divemaster style 

The last five days has been nothing short of epic, I’ve finally made my way through chapter nine and to the end of the PADI Divemaster manual, although I’m going to be rereading that last...