Tagged: massage


All in a month

Sometimes life flies by, and sometimes, when we are lucky, it is quite the opposite.  It has only been thirty days since we left our jobs and it feels like it has been months. ...

Always look on the bright side 6

Always look on the bright side

The run up to our big departure could have been a little more auspicious. The woman I was training to take over from me at work went totes doolally, making handing over a little...


Gili Meno, Week one

I can’t believe we have already been on Gili Meno an entire week but the calendar does not lie. Shamefully, it took us almost that week to make it into the beautiful sea, which...


Massage me this

I either have the softest skin and lowest pain threshold of anyone in the known universe (I so don’t) or something about me provokes masseuses to try and make me scream. (Yes fine I...


@SamuiHaus take two

I’m not a great believer in editing, let the words flow I say, I’m generally a first draft poster but sometimes I seem to be writing for someone else and whenever that happens the...